Hire Purchase Explained

Also referred to as HP, Hire Purchase is an agreement with a lender whereby the balance on a vehicle is paid off with regular monthly instalments. This may be preceded (though not always) by an initial deposit.

Advantages of scheme:

  • Fixed, regular payments over a set period makes planning budget easier
  • Free use of vehicle – there are no mileage caps
  • At the end of the agreement, the vehicle is owned by you
  • Interest rates often lower than on other finance schemes
  • The most popular form of car finance
  • Allows early settlement of agreement by requesting from the lender the outstanding amount
  • Often the preferred option for people who have a poor credit history


  • Total payments can be greater than on other schemes for short-period agreements
  • Agreement relies on regular payments. Failure to do so could result in your vehicle being repossessed

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